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B^)726.Apocalypse Watch Live Now!
Birth/Transformation 2012 will happen regardless of what you do or not do. So I say why not. Things can certainly get worse. Things can certainly get better. Why not be a part of the "get better" crowd...
2012-12-20 09:53:211,776
B^)727.Apocalypse Transformed
Transform it Forward...
2012-12-20 09:48:581,678
B^O728.Apocalypse Weather Forecast
It's gonna be searing - as in our goose is cooked and well done
2012-12-20 09:45:061,298
5||729.The Path to the Truth is Very Convoluted
Get your coffee/tea and just listen and ponder....
2012-11-26 12:26:541,143
B^|730.Let' Dance
Someone has watched a lot of movies with dancing and created a great montage. Yikes I know most of the movies...
2012-11-26 11:46:261,532
B^|731.There is something to be said for practicing your craft
Even the photographer/videographer(s) had to practice to capture these images and then put it together timed to the music. Skills are skills.
2012-11-15 12:00:551,450
B^J732.Driving in Russia
It is both funny and tragic. Sometimes it is good to require driver training and laws. Some appear to comprehend neither.
2012-11-15 11:45:051,673
5||733.Shadow Operations - The Mars Project
If you never ever watch another show or read another item, YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO. Many of these revelations I was aware of - I am totally blown away that this was allowed to be broadcast. Kudos to TRU TV, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan for finally telling us what is truely going on that has been hidden for decades...
2012-11-11 11:29:441,236
5||734.64 Year Old Grandpa, Needs Your Help to Take Back America!
Lawless America now in production. This Grandpa wants a 1 Million person march on Washington D.C., Jan 9 and 10, 2012 to get us back to our Constitutional foundation and rights.
2012-11-05 11:07:321,389
B^O735.A Message we Believe Rosanne Barr Would Support
For you Boomers: Remember Leslie Gore's song: "Don't Tell Me What To Do..." Well this is very appropriate, now considering Romney wants to have the Supreme Court overturn Roe V Wade.
2012-11-05 10:59:271,598
B^)736.What will this inspire you to do to help others?
What Secret do you have that could make a difference and enhance in someone's life?
2012-10-01 14:11:191,825
5||737.The Reason our Government keeps making up an Enemy
Shame. Shame. Shame.
2012-09-29 20:27:351,210
B^O738.Washington state’s first ‘zombie ____’ reported
The Zombie Apocalypse will start with....
2012-09-25 12:42:591,459
B^O739.Lien Against the US Federal Reserve
The Court Document that was filed. Much to learn here.
2012-09-25 12:33:221,604
B^Q740.Keshe vs the US President
We provide the info, you are now informed. Fear of progress that helps all of humanity is....
2012-09-25 11:58:361,709
B^/741.Copyright Math
Your $8-Billion I-Pod
2012-09-25 11:08:141,755
B^O742.H. R. 2977 Hmmm. Chemtrails, Psychotronics, and more Exposed...
Nothing in this Act may be construed as prohibiting the use of funds for—(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; chemtrails; high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems; plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons; laser weapons systems; strategic, theater, tactical, or extra terrestrial weapons; and chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.
2012-09-23 13:15:311,149
B^{}743.Lloyd Pye's Star Child = Has nonhuman DNA
The results are in and main stream science just cannot accept the evidence. No surprise there.
2012-09-22 11:54:462,000
B^O744.A Soldier Reveals Thoughts on Facebook and is Arrested
and placed in a Psych Ward. Yet the TSA can get away with molesting....
2012-09-09 13:49:461,581
B^/745.President Michael Higgins of Ireland has some Interesting Points
Such as how FEAR is focused on and made to be more than it really is....
2012-09-09 13:35:491,566
B^)746.Charlie Chaplin Says it All
From "The Great Dictator." This is how it should be now! Going to war is NOT the ENLIGHTENED PATH! We can all choose and act with this principle every moment - Do No Harm.
2012-09-09 13:12:381,991
B^O747.RNC Blocks Ron Paul's Delagates
Hmmm. What is the RNC afraid of?
2012-09-09 12:32:561,390
{(0)}748.EPIC'S Demonstrate that Fractals are a way to make Changes
Researcher Pane Andov has an interesting perspective on EPIC'S.
2012-09-07 09:28:112,047
B^|749.Fan Made Video in Honor of Curiousity Landing on Mars
Take a break and enoy
2012-08-16 10:20:081,587
5||750.Grey Psy Ops - Holographic Projections of Catastrophic Events
Are these projections to keep us in turmoil so that we don't pay attention to their true agenda? Listen and learn. This may be out of some of your belief systems - consider stretching your mind to consider these possibilities...We are more powerful and can choose to participate in the real events, which may be that "nothing" actually occurs.
2012-08-15 21:11:211,250