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5||576.Sandy Hook shooter died day before shootings
"Another horrifying contradiction to the official version of the Sandy Hook school shootings..."
2014-02-23 12:49:471,071
5||577.Liar Liar
Anonymous says....
2013-09-24 15:34:481,064
B^O578.Gun Facts Infographic
Read and learn Piers.
2013-04-07 13:27:351,054
5||579.More Diabolical Already Executed Agenda to Destroy America!
"In 1958, W. Cleon Skousen published a book exposing the history and goals of Communism. In his book titled The Naked Communist, he laid out the 45 goals of the Communist Party USA wanted to achieve in order to destroy American Society and its Constitutional form of Government. Amazingly in the 50 years since publishing, these goals to overthrow America have nearly all been achieved! We are seeing today at an ever faster rate the transformation of America from a Free Republic into a Socialist/ Communist Society." Source:
2013-03-10 15:02:021,047
(#j#)580.Psychopathic Medicine's Ally - The FDA "Expose' from 2000"
"The drug has no proven efficacy for the treatment of influenza in the U.S. population, no proven effect on reducing person-to-person transmissibility, and no proven impact on preventing influenza," Elashoff wrote, adding that many patients would be exposed to risks "while deriving no benefit."
2015-03-13 11:22:031,025
5||581.Open Letter to the Galactics
I am rather tired of this non-interference thing too. We need interference. The Dark Side are psychopaths and the Light Side are not. For a non-psychopath - it is hard to fight such unrelenting darkness.
2013-04-05 11:47:191,015
B^O582.Notes from the Dr. Simon Atkins internet radio interview
from Phoenix Rising Radio:
2015-07-01 14:56:211,011
B^{}583.Clinton Foundation + State Dept = HT
"According to minutes of a January 27, 2010, senior State Department staff meeting, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents uncovered “at least a couple pedophiles” attempting to adopt children in Haiti following the earthquake."
2017-05-04 15:09:351,011
OMG OMG. Bush and Obama are cancelling out of country trips. Lawyers expound as to how Bush and Obama actions are catching up with them.
2013-07-02 01:13:031,010
5||585.Efforts of the 2013 Global Currency Reset
Humanity is throwing of the chains of Global Slavery...
2013-09-08 13:21:42989
5||586.Serve and Protect has become Seize and Profit
This is Asset Forteiture Abuse...A Policeman can take your assets on a suspicion - because they know most people cannot afford to go to court.
2013-11-03 13:11:23985
5||587.Waiting for Disclosure? It won't come from the USA Gov't
Me thinks they have learned not to trust the Governments. Wonder where your tax dollars really go...It is not what is above. It is more likely what is below...If you knew a planet's civilizataions were constantly warring - would you get involved or pass it by. Me thinks there is a concerted effort to keep us killing each other so disclosure won't happen. We need go grow up and stop the unnecessary killing and murder.
2016-04-26 16:06:46982
5||588.Snowden reveals that "Obama is Afraid of an Informed Public...
Someone comments: "Thank you Snowden, for proving again, Psychopaths are running America, many other countries too."
2013-08-17 17:03:38982
B^O589.Real Reason for USA Gov't Shutdown....Nuclear Bombs for So. Carolina
Were to be released in the heart of Charleston to eliminate 24 Million USA citizens. WTF! WTF! Was going to call this a terrorist attack (aka False Flag) declare Martial Law, and then we have our Dictator. Generals who leaked info was fired by Obama...
2013-10-24 14:33:14982
5||590.NESARA is not what you believe it to be
National economic and stabilization recovery act. - Fake Name!!! True name is: National Economic Security and Reformation Act. Secretly created on October 10, 2000 and was to be implemented in 2012.
2013-10-13 12:04:51976
5||591.Best Reveal Evar Part 2 - Flight MH 370
Prepare to be informed - Now whatcha gonna do? Now that we are not stupid anymore!!!
2014-06-01 12:12:29961
5||592.The Law of Words - Admiralty Law Is the Law of the Land
Maritime Admiralty Law are words of Banking. You and I are just a commodity. We have been so deceived.
2013-08-11 12:55:59943
B^D593.New Facebook Group - The Enlightened Psychopath
Share what has helped you to be set free from the psychopath and psychopathic systems. We want to know...
2016-06-07 14:39:57934
"One CIA old-timer I spoke with told me that they would have the hypnotized assassin come into the office..."
2013-09-24 14:33:41934
B^D595.Ken Wilbur explains the stages of Religiousness to Spiritual Awakening
An excellent expose on why we are still stuck in the Dark Ages in our rational thinking processes when it comes to Dogmatic Religion. You have a choice, stay there or choose to Awaken Spiritually.
2016-04-04 16:03:22929
5||596.Yikes - Very Sinister - The Protocols of Zion
I could not keep reading. Shocking how much has been accomplished, is being carried out now. This is a translation. If this is a hoax as many have claimed...Well read for your self and decide.
2013-08-09 11:51:41928
B^/597.Landfill Orchestra
This is both beautiful and horribly sad
2013-12-21 12:25:31927
5||598.Edward Snowden Leaked Documents about US Gov't Controlled by Tall White Aliens
Talk about timing of discovery. And I had heard that these Tall Whites were so nice. Hmmmm "calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth...the ‘final phase’ of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule.”
2014-01-20 14:09:37908
5||599.No Bombs for Syria
It takes a woman to make the point that Obama has no more credibility.
2013-09-27 15:42:41891
5||600.Goodwill Hill Airplain Crash from Interview below on 4th Reich Assasins
Plane crashed with Reptilian and is retrieved by Tall Reptilians. They walk in unison carrying their fallen comrade. There are Firemen and Fire truck on site.
2013-08-08 14:35:10890