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B^/1.Your very own wishing machine
Compliments of paranormal researcher Joshua P. Warren
2010-01-23 03:09:474,393
B^/2.200,000 Yr Old Angel Carving Found in Moon Rock!
This highly sophisticated sculpture, makes you wonder about the sophistication of the civilization that could create such an artifact.
2010-08-24 00:21:083,240
B^/3.Judge acquits Portland man who stripped naked at TSA checkpoint
Citing a 1985 state appeals court ruling stating that nudity laws don't apply in cases of protest...Hey TSA - Deal with that!
2012-07-19 13:32:272,750
B^/4.A thought provoking, heart warming Christmas Story, circa 1881
A teenager learns a valuable lesson about giving
2009-12-20 07:30:272,531
B^/5.Noah's Ark Found! 13,000 ft, Mt. Ararat, Turkey
What is all that "wood" doing in the middle of a Mountain?
2010-04-29 02:44:172,298
B^/6.Chinese Government orders cities to be built
And very few inhabitants occupy them. Perhaps they could rented them out for post apocalyptic movies.
2011-05-14 15:51:482,251
B^/7.One Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Found this graphic at the beginning of a youtube video. This image really does say it all and I wanted to celebrate this brilliant metaphor depicted in such a thought provoking graphic. There are so many things that this image represents. It is a "whole" statement in one image.
2012-01-14 15:04:092,212
B^/8.On 11-11, 2010, One Million People Across The Globe
To participate: Separation is an egoic construct that we have all participated in creating. The illusion of separation must be healed. We heal the separation by choosing the path of non-separation. We are all children of God, how can we treat each other that we are less. Who does it really serve? Continuing to choose insanity will not end the insanity. If we want things to improve - we must act as if the improvement is now, and we can't wait for someone else to lead us. We are the leaders we have been waiting for. I extend a great big thank you for taking the lead in the project. The date doesn't really matter, it's just another part of the separation, it's just another day. What does matter is that we choose to participate because it is a prudent and necessary path. TCoF
2010-11-02 02:41:412,107
B^/9.Now Mitt Romney is caught lying
What chya gonna do?
2012-05-24 15:20:122,075
B^/10.Lucy - Somebody's got some more esplaining to do! - Part 3
After reading this: ...... I've had it. I have shown you there are several types of structures and creatures on Mars. Now for the "silver bullet": Water with ripples! It can no longer be denied by anyone. There's life in a variety of forms, and water.
2010-05-15 18:02:012,040
B^/11.Here is why BP wants those camera's turned off!
And now for the rest of the story...
2010-05-28 02:50:242,038
B^/12.How to be authentic by James Lipton
Advice for Mitt Romney. We can always learn from others inauthenticity.
2012-05-20 15:06:371,926
B^/13.Google's Driverless Car
There are no words. There just are no words. Hey, I know, maybe the FBI can GPS this and waste more of our taxpayer $$$.
2010-10-13 01:49:061,912
B^/14.The Day Before Disclosure
Free 3 part video. Takes about 1 hour to view. If you want to get to the real meat of the information, skip Part 1 and go right to Part 2 and 3. Learned something new. What's with taking those chunks of ground out of Norway with better than laser precision, even on the underside and then placing that chunk of ground a few feet away?
2010-10-06 14:08:251,874
B^/15.An Interesting Message From an Unusual Source
Listen and ponder.
2013-05-21 00:59:381,871
B^/16.Guns VS Spoons
Excellent point for Piers Morgan to...and you know he won't. Remember the days when Larry King asked questions? Who cares about Mr. Morgan's opinions anyway. No wonder the Brits don't want him back...
2013-04-01 12:55:071,837
B^/17.Charlie Sheen makes a very profound observation.
It's scary how right he is...
2011-03-04 22:54:351,825
B^/18.TSA Pat Down - Lady Very Upset
I've been waiting for this. It was just a matter of time. If you were a child of molestation and abuse, or an adult that was assaulted, let's get real here - trauma to the body, mind and spirit, that is yet unhealed - those TSA pat downs, could certainly trigger such a reaction.
2011-06-08 14:21:581,816
B^/19.U.S. is secretly run by Nazi space aliens
"Iranian news agency says." I'm kinda on board with this. As much as our government lies to us, and uses unfettered nincompoops to administer justice. Makes sense to me.
2014-01-20 13:34:511,813
B^/20.What? Since When?
I thought it was Mom who did this? Now I am really confused...
2012-06-01 15:21:251,807
B^/21.Lives Saved - Tragedy Avoided - Part 1: TCoF
Lives Saved - Tragedy Avoided
2009-12-27 01:34:511,801
B^/22.Geek is the new Koooool!
How many of you are not afraid to get your "geek on?" A big thank you to for this educational graphic...
2010-10-24 12:13:461,799
B^/23.The New $100 US Dollar Bill
Oh, please let this be so. Is this an indication that things are really going to change? If we are outta gold - why is it on the $100?
2013-02-22 04:10:051,791
B^/24.Primates prefer primates
Your daily Q.T.
2012-04-08 13:55:151,775
B^/25.Apocalyptic Kick Ass Fire Engine
I want one. Who's with me on this? London here we come...
2010-11-12 01:30:101,769