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B^/776.66 Ft Dock from the March, 2011 Earthquake in Japan, Lands on Oregon Coast
Arriving last week on the Oregon Coast. How does something like that even float?
2012-06-11 13:01:091,664
B^O777.Business Owners Prepair for the Zombie Apocalypse
Hmmm. Never considered that would be an issue.
2012-06-11 12:45:231,413
B^|778.Transit of Venus on 6.5.12
For those unable to view this event. Here it is...
2012-06-07 15:29:261,444
B^J779.The Next Time You SEE This - Run! Run
Cardboard box with attitude...
2012-06-07 13:51:582,574
B^J780.Steven Colbert Pays Appropriate Tribute to Ray Bradbury, 91 yrs
Ray Bradbury, science fiction writer of books, such as Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles and "contributed scripts to the TV..."
2012-06-07 13:41:043,369
B^Q781.Heal American Intention Experiment - Tonight 11:00pm PST
Lynne McTaggart on the radio tonight: To bond a divided America, she'll involve C2C (radio) listeners in a historic Heal America Intention Experiment during the live broadcast
2012-06-06 15:13:102,140
B^Q782.History Channel - Ancient Aliens speaker on the Radio tonight
Aliens Apathetically Abduct Allegorist (6 items below) - This fellow will be on the radio tonight - and he is speaking around the USA. FYI: Ancient Aliens is one of my favorite TV shows, love the hair!
2012-06-06 15:03:281,850
B^\783.Synchronized Dancing Robots
See I told you. One day they are "Cute Efficient Little Robots" (see 17 items down) and now they are a dancing. Cylons and Cybergs and Terminators are not too far behind. Run! Run! Run!
2012-06-04 22:47:541,967
B^\784.Bilderberger 2012 - Protests Reported by The Guardian of The U.K
2012-06-04 14:27:531,865
B^J785.Hans Solo and Chewy have ben Longtime Buds
Your daily QT
2012-06-03 14:54:311,979
B^\786.The Zombie Apocalypse has begun
It only takes one...
2012-06-03 14:05:102,217
B^/787.Aliens Apathetically Abduct Allegorist
That is a direct Headline Quote from It is brilliant. If you are a fan of the History Channel series, "Ancient Aliens," you will appreciate this observation of metamorphosis.
2012-06-02 19:35:051,528
B^{}788.This has got to be a Clever American Invention
Where can I get this? Right up there with the Holland Cheese Toaster Bag.
2012-06-02 19:23:521,638
B^)789.A 3rd Awesome
I don't know how much more awesome I can take today...Who will this kid be when he grows up?
2012-06-02 14:59:311,459
B^|790.Another Awesome
These are some incredible, amazing juggling skills and only 3M people have seen so far.
2012-06-02 14:41:261,394
B^/791.Remind you of something ?
Someone figured this out and took steps to make a point.
2012-06-02 14:31:411,709
B^)792.Better than the Daily QT
This is AWESOME!!!
2012-06-02 14:23:481,563
B^v793.Dr. McCoy of Star Trek - Hypo Spray has been INVENTED!!!
Can't wait for the replicators to come next!
2012-06-02 14:18:401,943
B^Q794.Now that is a Spidey Skill I have never seen
Escape is so beautiful
2012-06-02 14:02:582,275
B^\795.Here is what Kobe's Face Saving Device was for
Sure did not see that coming. What does Kobe know that we don't?
2012-06-02 13:34:582,177
B^/796.What? Since When?
I thought it was Mom who did this? Now I am really confused...
2012-06-01 15:21:251,790
B^\797.Face Saving Device
Gettin' ready for the next Zombie invasion. Does Kobe know somethin' we don't?
2012-06-01 15:15:481,901
B^J798.In Case You Missed the Sunday Message
For all the girls...Your daily QT, sort of
2012-06-01 14:35:411,452
[:]^[]799.Human Castle Challenge in Spain - It is so great that we can learn about other traditions via the internet.
2012-05-28 14:02:501,911
B^J800.A New Kind of Household-Business Car
Some good old fashioned ingenuity
2012-05-26 13:21:051,710