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B^D1.Your Dogma is defining you. Be undefinable and set yourself free.
Check your Dogma at the door and learn who you really are.
2017-02-12 16:41:503,931
B^D2.Free Book "Un-Human" Decoding Psychopaths and Their Systems
"Psychopaths are the Apex predator of the Human Race. If you are not like them, you can't keep up the Pace." Faith Dominoe, The Enlightened Psychopath - 2015. Release date July 4, 2018. This is your your personal Freedom and Independence Day!
2018-06-24 22:24:382,977
B^D3.Coming out of the Informational Closet - Wahoo for David Wilcock Pt 2
Coming out of the Informational Closet - Wahoo for David Wilcock Pt 2
2015-09-06 14:14:502,251
B^D4.Busting the Psychopathic Systems Narrative
You will not think for your self. I will not think for my self. You will not think for yourself. I will not think for myself. Brilliant expose' on the psychopathic mind control political marketing strategy to keep the masses from using their reasoning skills. Notice how the protesters cannot even look you in the eye. There is some colorful language in this expose'. Faith Dominoe, #TheEnlightenedPsychopath
2016-06-23 12:08:141,685
B^D5.Richard Branson Gets It
Only a Psychopath or a Psychopathic System will make things complicated so that you cannot figure out what they are truly up to. Faith Dominoe #TheEnlightenedPsychopath
2016-06-12 11:35:411,620
B^D6.Coming out of the Informational Closet - Wahoo for David Wilcock
I have been waiting for this. You may not think this belongs in the Enlightenment category. Not all "enlightenment" is fun. Enlightenment can at times be an excruciating discovery, and the world you believed in is shattered. Sometimes that is how you must heal from your unenlightened stupor. Faith Dominoe
2015-09-06 13:53:291,601
B^D7.How to actually implement World Peace.
Brilliant post found on FB to implement World Peace.
2017-02-12 16:48:051,594
B^D8.A career psychopath and the psychopathic system.
The reason you drank the kool-aid and supported this psychopath. A great expose' on how the psychopathic system attempted to manipulate through psychological warefare to pervert your mind to believe the psychopath has your best interest at heart. That is how the vampire functions, and in the end kills you. The vampire is a metaphor for the psychopath.
2017-10-13 14:31:551,592
B^D9."Free your Mind" said Morpheous to Neo in The Matrix
Just how do your "free your mind?" By healing your mind. Now how to do you heal your mind. It is a practice called "fearless forgiveness." Every time you feel fear, anxiety, hate, apprehension, afraid, resentment, anger, etc - it all stems from "fear," and all fear needs forgiveness. Enlightenment is a process you actively engage your mind to participate in...
2015-09-09 17:08:441,438
B^D10.Integral Life Internet Radio - Listen 24/7
2015-07-04 14:50:241,427
B^D11.Ken Wilber on the Integral Life
What is the difference between being Religious and Spiritual? A great interview to help understand the choice you have made. Remember you can always make a different choice.
2015-07-06 16:13:521,409
B^D12.Why Islam is extremely radical
"Islam cannot be reformed because of internal structure of its theology...Quran 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them."...[That means everyone who is not a believer deserves death, What God are they serving?, Faith Dominoe]I think 3rd World War has already begun between civilization and barbaric death cult Islam." by Serkan Engin from Turkey
2017-01-30 16:25:241,406
B^D13.The Enlightenment Process is a State of Mind
The ego [the mind that believes in separation from the Divine Source] makes illusions. Conflict must be resolved...
2015-07-24 15:59:451,398
B^D14.You, Me and the Fabricated Apocalypse explaind
Love him or hate him - this is a very clear and succinct description of You, Me and the Fabricated Apocalypse. The youtube title "most powerful interview..." is accurate.
2016-04-04 16:56:221,309
B^D15.Whoa! Russia has a warrant for the arrest of George Soros
GS is interfering on the international, national and local level. Why?
2017-06-10 14:12:121,287
B^D16.The Matrix Revealed by The Wachowski's
To day we start a new category on Divine Dominoes: "Enlightenment" We start this new series off with The Wachowski's detailing the message of the Matrix Series. Prepare for your enlightenment. Then we will follow up with the great Philosopher Ken Wilbur that will strengthen your understanding the enlightenment process. Just realized we are starting this on 7.04.15 Independence Day in the USA. Hmmm - Must be a Divine Dominoe...
2015-07-04 13:44:281,268
B^D17.3 minutes of transcript from viedo below
Put your sunglasses on
2017-04-24 15:55:531,241
B^D18.Religion Separates due to the Absence of a Contemplative Practice
I have noticed that Religious people here in the USA, cannot allow non-religious spiritual thought, and yet those who practice a spiritual thought journey, can allow the Religious journey. Why?
2015-07-05 13:47:251,208
B^D19.Ken Wilber on Ethics and Enlightenment
Ethics and Morality are not the same thing. When your Ethics and Morality are in alignment and that becomes your every momentary practice, that paves the way for moments if higher realizations, which is the enlightenment process.
2015-07-04 13:45:461,197
B^D20.Come Along if You Dare - Real Time Spiritual Adventure
Wow! Wow! Wow! The previous listing "Enlightenment is a Journey not a Destination" will take you on a Magical Mystery Tour. You must read the books to experience the full impact of that journey. It is a real time journey of events unfolding now! The interview in this posting is a link link explains much and starts at about 6 minutes...
2015-10-27 14:09:451,192
B^D21.Brilliant expose' of how the Psychopaths operate
Brilliant expose' of how the Psychopaths operate. Regardless of whatever else is said, pay attention to the explanation on psychopaths
2018-05-19 13:54:011,187
B^D22.New Facebook Group - The Enlightened Psychopath
Share what has helped you to be set free from the psychopath and psychopathic systems. We want to know...
2016-06-07 14:39:57934
B^D23.Ken Wilbur explains the stages of Religiousness to Spiritual Awakening
An excellent expose on why we are still stuck in the Dark Ages in our rational thinking processes when it comes to Dogmatic Religion. You have a choice, stay there or choose to Awaken Spiritually.
2016-04-04 16:03:22929
B^D24.Anger is meant to be acted on
Not acted out. Processing anger is part of the journey to self awareness
2024-03-11 08:26:23325
B^D25.Liar, iiar hair on fire
Zippidity doodah got that right
2024-03-12 07:34:51250