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B^v176.AZ passes resolution banning c19 jab
Says jab is a biological and technological weapon!!!
2024-01-17 05:31:1941
B^Q177.To further explore Tartaria
A compilation of information on Tartaria
2024-01-17 05:25:5638
B^Q178.Tartaria, a very different take on ancient structures, their strategic locations
Near water, their shape. It's a lost technology we can't do today
2024-01-17 05:20:5828
B^D179.Thought provoking rumination on Dark and Light
There is no promise that the Dark will prevent the Light from penetrating the Dark
2024-01-17 04:23:1072
B^v180.Federal Judge orders release of C19 vaccine injuries
It's way past time!
2024-01-17 04:11:3238
(6j#) un-human181.Fauci accused of Genicide 30 years ago
How has he not been removed already?
2024-01-16 03:37:0587
B^O182.How the WHO plans to take over and subject all 194 member countries
Dictatorship for all
2024-01-16 03:29:1646
B^O183.Plandemic X is the WHO, WEF, CDC plan to circumvent countries governments
To have those agencies become a dictatorship over your sovereignty
2024-01-16 03:14:5650
B^\184.What the DAVOS crowd is up to Jan 2024
They think they are superior to the Divine
2024-01-16 03:07:0948
B^v185.Do you know about this toxic coating on fruits and veggies
Brought to you by the philanthropath B. GATES
2024-01-16 02:35:5846
B^v186.Fenbendazole and ivermiraracle cures another cancer
Bladder cancer
2024-01-16 02:32:0644
B^/187.It it Legal or is it Lawful
Do you know how your lack of understanding can be used to trick you?
2024-01-16 02:27:3344
B^v188.Plastics nanoparticles in your bottles water
Better to bring your own in glass
2024-01-16 01:49:1446
B^|189.More on Vivek
His ties to Big pharma
2024-01-15 05:59:2350
B^v190.Oh Vivek, this is disturbing
Partnered with Pfizer on bed drug
2024-01-15 05:48:4431
B^/191.Does Trudeau of Canada remind you of any other leader?
Does he have early onset dementia?
2024-01-15 05:45:2747
B^v192.Reagan made it so,that Rx Co's would not be liable for vax injuries
And put the burden on the tax payers when a lawsuit is brought
2024-01-15 05:40:4852
B^J193.How did they get it so wrong in 2016?
They still want it to be true in 2024
2024-01-15 05:31:5128
B^|194.Dinesh D'Souza interviews a mid eastern spokesperson
He has observed that conservatives cannot be brainwashed!
2024-01-15 01:59:1841
B^|195.Airplane turns off chemtrail
Chemicaltrails are not a hoax
2024-01-15 01:52:0632
(6j#) un-human196.Trafficking children from. Puerto Rico to Brazil
How can people do this? It's unconscionable
2024-01-15 01:48:3633
B^v197.Artemisanin, a cancer killer
2024-01-15 01:22:3249
B^/198.Vivek may have some skeletons
Not sure what to think
2024-01-15 01:17:3032
B^J199.Caturday and Doggos
Your daily Q T
2024-01-15 00:16:4152
5||200.Gates, Schwab planning for Plandemic X
These are philanthropaths = pretending to do good, while doing evil. They believe they are superior to the Divine
2024-01-14 16:45:4573