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B^Q676.I'm gonna invest in this.
And I'm gonna wait to get that Tesla car now.
2013-02-19 04:07:231,567
B^O677.The Real Reason the Pope is Resigning
Canada maybe not so nice. The RCMP along with the Catholic Church drug, torture, murder the First Nation's children. Turns out the Catholic Church written documents claim that sexually abusing children is only a "secret," not a punishable crime! This is true horror/corruption
2013-02-17 14:39:021,292
5||678.The Drone Controversy
Coming to a city you live in....
2013-02-17 04:01:151,475
[:]^[]679.15 yr old creates 3 cents cancer detector
Using Google and wikipedia. He had to ask the questions also, to find the answers. As he says "just imagine what 3.5 Billion people can do" [to create a better world to exist in].
2013-02-17 03:47:251,904
B^|680.Mongolian Folk Metal Band
Had me tappin' my foot.
2013-02-17 03:32:441,500
B^|681.Awesomeness and some Awesome Ooppsness
The music is great too...
2013-02-17 03:15:271,444
B^O682.Journalist Reveals Toxic Subsances in Flu Shots
"The media is owned by the same tie-wearing serial killers who own Big Pharma, government agencies and the financial industry." Daisy Luther
2013-02-15 04:46:221,988
B^)683.Two Very Sweet Dogs Rescued
Get the tissue box out.
2013-02-10 12:55:191,816
B^\684.Immigrant Sets USA Congress Straight on Guns
'nuf said - watch video
2013-02-06 16:58:262,049
B^\685.Gravity is a mistake
Well. I'm staying on the ground and keeping my wits.
2013-01-31 09:02:252,167
B^Q686.Sun Anomaly
Science does not confront these issues. Good thing we have others who keep watch on our Sun.
2013-01-17 01:20:131,933
B^|687.Rushing to make new laws due to emotional frenzy
Isn't that what going to court is all about - removing the emotion and using the facts - at least that was the original intent.
2013-01-17 01:02:161,621
B^J688.Baby's Mission Impossible
Your daily Q.T.
2013-01-17 00:38:241,413
B^/689.Genius Cat is Genius
Your Daily Q.T.
2013-01-15 14:27:031,738
5||690.Obama's Forged ID's to be heard by the Full Suprene Court
Breaking News: Jan 9. 2013, Chief Justice John Roberts schedules the guess who? It takes a Woman....
2013-01-10 14:12:101,089
An excellent expose by Alfred Webre on solutions for global transformation. He revealed things I know and I am surprised he revealed how we have been interfered with by some nefarious characters - Not of the Earth! Listen to the archive of this interview...
2013-01-10 13:43:221,316
5||692.Anonymous Shuts down FBI
Well now. Lookey here what Anonymous can do....
2013-01-10 13:34:201,302
B^)693.For Women Only
So there. Take that. Deal with it...
2013-01-07 13:39:251,695
[:]^[]694.Energy Saving Highway
To be implements in 2013 in the Netherlands. Now that is very, very clever. Come on USA - get with the program.
2013-01-06 10:10:571,874
5||695.Bilderberger Elite Angry over Constant Exposure [in Europe]
Sooo...Where will they hold their 2013 annual meeting? "Returning to America in 2012, Bilderberg were able to rely on tighter security and a compliant media that virtually blacklisted their presence." Read on....
2013-01-05 10:53:341,287
5||696."This Show is a Crusade Against the Main Stream Media...
because I think it is important to rethink the establishment narrative." Abbey Martin of Breaking the Set. It takes a woman!!!
2013-01-02 14:08:211,238
5||697.Uh! Oh! Oliver Stone Exposing nefarious USA policies
Nuf said. Oh - he now has a new TV series on Showtime. Bravo Showtime! This deserves the 5th Column category.
2013-01-02 13:59:481,225
[:]^[]698.Your Home in a Snow Globe
Why the "TECH" category for this one. Beeeecause, if it wasn't for the tech of the internet - we could not entertain ourselves with this...
2013-01-02 13:28:401,679
5||699.The Plan to Shatter the Civilization of Fear
Join us with our very special guest Daniel Deeter who just returned from an 18 day trip to the Mayan Pyramids along with Foster Gamble of Thrive and many others.
2013-01-01 06:58:451,060
B^Q700.SUV's on all other planets in Solar System.
Yea - that's why all of the planets are warming up. Or could there be another reason...Hmmm
2012-12-31 16:28:571,485