No. | Item | Added | Hits | |
B^/ | 801. | Remind you of something ? Someone figured this out and took steps to make a point. |
2012-06-02 14:31:41 | 1,740 |
B^) | 802. | Better than the Daily QT This is AWESOME!!! |
2012-06-02 14:23:48 | 1,590 |
B^v | 803. | Dr. McCoy of Star Trek - Hypo Spray has been INVENTED!!! Can't wait for the replicators to come next! |
2012-06-02 14:18:40 | 1,970 |
B^Q | 804. | Now that is a Spidey Skill I have never seen Escape is so beautiful |
2012-06-02 14:02:58 | 2,311 |
B^\ | 805. | Here is what Kobe's Face Saving Device was for Sure did not see that coming. What does Kobe know that we don't? |
2012-06-02 13:34:58 | 2,222 |
B^/ | 806. | What? Since When? I thought it was Mom who did this? Now I am really confused... |
2012-06-01 15:21:25 | 1,822 |
B^\ | 807. | Face Saving Device Gettin' ready for the next Zombie invasion. Does Kobe know somethin' we don't? |
2012-06-01 15:15:48 | 1,924 |
B^J | 808. | In Case You Missed the Sunday Message For all the girls...Your daily QT, sort of |
2012-06-01 14:35:41 | 1,478 |
[:]^[] | 809. | Human Castle Challenge in Spain - It is so great that we can learn about other traditions via the internet. |
2012-05-28 14:02:50 | 1,956 |
B^J | 810. | A New Kind of Household-Business Car Some good old fashioned ingenuity |
2012-05-26 13:21:05 | 1,733 |
B^/ | 811. | Marriage is more than you believe, think or feel. And this presentation makes it more so. |
2012-05-25 14:03:54 | 1,607 |
B^| | 812. | US Veterans Return War Medals of Iraq and Afghanistan U.S. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit May 21, 2012. Interesting this happened just after the Grid Reboot on May 20, 2012... |
2012-05-24 15:32:05 | 2,095 |
B^/ | 813. | Now Mitt Romney is caught lying What chya gonna do? |
2012-05-24 15:20:12 | 2,092 |
5|| | 814. | Department of Peace Dennis Kucinich, says it best when he states; "you cannot be for World Peace, and then vote to fund wars !! "This is a worthy and worthwhile endeavor. Let's make it happen now! |
2012-05-24 15:12:30 | 1,579 |
B^v | 815. | The FDA ignoring a court ordered ruling on real science "the FDA was hoping to use the FTC to evade some recent court rulings that it cannot willfully and unreasonably censor all science about food and supplements." |
2012-05-22 13:01:20 | 1,972 |
B^O | 816. | They're still human beings Let's vote them off of Earth! - this foul mouthed fellow. You don't hear the homosexual community talking this way about heterosexuals...I know this is a hot topic, however let's get some perspective here. |
2012-05-22 02:25:13 | 1,465 |
B^/ | 817. | Remember this exactly 1 year ago on May 21, 2011 Hmmm. |
2012-05-21 14:04:57 | 1,780 |
B^| | 818. | May 20,2012 Lunar Eclipse For those unable to view this event. We have the progression to the ring of fire. |
2012-05-21 13:57:54 | 1,745 |
B^/ | 819. | How to be authentic by James Lipton Advice for Mitt Romney. We can always learn from others inauthenticity. |
2012-05-20 15:06:37 | 1,941 |
B^{} | 820. | Take the test. Distortions of a different kind. |
2012-05-20 14:58:35 | 2,068 |
B^/ | 821. | What say you America? Write your own or hook onto others Article presenting President Obama including accomplishments on the coat tails of other Presidents. Hmmm |
2012-05-20 14:54:05 | 1,662 |
B^| | 822. | Star Wars Dance Wars You think it is over and it just keeps going.... |
2012-05-20 14:40:07 | 1,672 |
B^| | 823. | Sistine Chapel in 360 View It is almost like being there. Now this is really a Super View Sunday |
2012-05-20 13:50:40 | 2,024 |
B^Q | 824. | Watch the May 20, 2012 Eclips online |
2012-05-20 12:28:06 | 1,878 |
B^| | 825. | Harvard Law Review 1991 - Barack Obama - Born in Kenya... Oh Dear - what are we gonna do now? |
2012-05-19 17:20:58 | 4,884 |
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