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Free Book Un-Human Banner-PsychopathsFree Book on Psychopaths

(#j#)1.Your Super Power Awaits!
Mark Levin understands who the psychopaths are! “What we’ve learned about the media, several of the hosts and guests, is we have a lot of psychopaths out there, that’s for sure,” Levin said. You can get your "super power" today! You can learn to obtain this "super power." It's not just for Super Hero's.
2018-07-20 23:03:342,510
(#j#)2.Psychopaths Rule our World
"Psychologists failed to warn us of the psychopathic monsters in suits, leaving them free to destroy civilization in a vast top-down rape of wealth, spirit and health...Had we been forewarned, or had we been astute enough to see what was happening, we might have created an admirable civilization in which we could feel comfortable bringing up our children."
2015-01-20 13:57:461,942
(#j#)3.The World's Psychopathic System, Minions and Agenda
Excerpted from a much larger expose'. We have captured the essence, however we encourage you to read the whole article.
2015-05-29 15:11:541,703
(#j#)4.Psychopathic Medicine - Don't Ask These Questions
"The surest sign of a medical dictatorship is an aggressively enforced blockade against intelligent questions. Intelligent questions, after all, can destroy a medical police state because they expose the fraud of it." Health Ranger
2015-02-01 17:42:191,563
(#j#)5.Psychopathic Media supporting Psychopathic Medicine
"Entire national media calling on doctors to violate fundamental medical ethics in push for vaccines" [What about informed consent? Who reads the ingredients? If you did you would likely run out of your doctors office, Faith Dominoe]
2015-02-13 11:00:531,496
(#j#)6.An Inside Expose on a Psychopathic System Smooth Operation
"What possesses powerful, wealthy, and educated persons to prey on the most desperately poor humans on earth as they posture as "philanthropists”? And why has there been no government oversight?" Source:
2016-08-03 12:09:471,491
(#j#)7.Example of a Psychopathic System Disguised via Big Pharam as Candy for your Children
"New fruit flavored ADHD drug latest ploy to get our kids hooked" This is outrageous. Faith Dominoe #TheEnlightenedPsychopath
2016-06-13 11:24:101,423
(#j#)8.Welcome to PMSU - Psychopathic Medical Systems University
Jan 29, 2015 on the View, Whoopie Goldberg said "if I get sick, I'm coming to your house." She was referring to those who do not get vaccinated and or those who do not vaccinate their children. What do these parents know that Whoopie does not? Well....
2015-01-30 17:17:371,387
(#j#)9.Psychopathic Medicine Today - The Vaccine Epidemic
Available at BOOK REVIEW COMMENT: "This is a MUST READ! I am a pediatric nurse, and I was really blown away about the FACTS in this book. Vaccines are not adequately studied for safety, and they can clearly cause a great deal of injury. I knew that this idea that it was a 1 in a million chance of getting an injury was false, because I have cared for several vaccine injured children, who were left severely brain damaged from seizures, only hours after receiving their vaccines."
2015-02-04 05:37:041,378
(#j#)10.The Set Up - Fail! Fail! Fail!
Hmmm. The twitterverse timeline. People who thirst for power are attracted to politics. There needs to be psychopath vetting to keep them out of government. It is the psychopaths that have created worldwide havoc. 1 in a 100 is a psychopath. You have likely interacted with several in your lifetime and were unaware. We all must learn how the psychopath operates. It took over 7 billion people to expose the horrific corruption created by psychopaths.
2017-10-29 12:05:131,363
(#j#)11.Psychopathic Medicine Backfire!!!
"BACKFIRE: How the vaccine industry lost the propaganda war, alienated the public and stirred up suspicion of the entire medical profession" by by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
2015-02-20 16:47:011,353
(#j#)12.Psychopathic Medical Systems - Welcome to Police State Med
USA Today columnist calls for imprisonment of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. Why? "...recent confession of a top CDC whistleblower who reveals how the CDC committed scientific fraud to bury scientific evidence showing a link between vaccines and autism."
2015-01-29 18:27:161,351
(#j#)13.CDC Whistleblower given immunity to testify about vaccines
"the real number may be 1.2 million vaccine-adverse events annually...“There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination."
2015-02-05 20:18:281,326
(#j#)14.12 Yr old Girl Explains the Financial Crisis
Hey even though she is in Canada it applies to any corrupt massaging of money in the many massaging forms people can think up. Why in the Psychopathic category? Because it is the psychopathic mind set that knowingly causes such suffering with out empathy or compassion for fellow human beings. Watch the movie "The Big Short" to understand how these psychopaths accomplished this financial tragedy.
2016-04-04 16:12:571,294
(#j#)15.Psychopathic Medicine Today - An Expose' by the Health Ranger
Evidence emerges that measles outbreaks are deliberately encouraged by Big Pharma to ignite vaccine hysteria...
2015-02-06 14:10:241,281
(#j#)16.Psychopathy - Understanding the Phenomena
"Psychopaths are More Common than You Think...Psychopaths are Everywhere...Psychopaths are Notoriously Skilled at Deception...Psychopaths are Especially Adept at Negotiating, Manipulating and Climbing Hierarchies"
2015-02-10 17:20:101,277
(#j#)17.Psychopathic Cover UP of Systemic Pedophelia - USA
What you are about to view is horrific. Get out your vomit bucket - A 1 foot high stack of documents given to authorities about pedophilia abuse perpetrated on young boys from Boys Town, was never investigated by authorities. One has to wonder why? When the investigation finally took place, a Senator and others were told not to continue with the hearings...Discovery Channel never aired this documentary. Again one has to wonder why?
2015-06-06 11:05:241,244
(#j#)18.Psychopathic Law - Possible Step to Defeating
National Liberty Alliance has made considerable and exciting progress to end the corrupt “kangaroo” [admiralty] court system and replace it with an honest Common Law Grand Juries in all 50 states. [Gold Fringe around Flag indicates Admiralty Law - notice the flags behind the President and also in Court TV shows!!!]
2015-03-13 11:36:281,231
(#j#)19.The Psychopathic Plan to Eliminate "YOU"
2017-03-20 14:36:451,162
(#j#)20.Finally Someone Names the Behavior
This is how the human apex predator does it. Watch and learn. Vampire is a metaphor for this behavior...Learn so you are not be seduced by the false narrative to believe the lie.
2017-09-15 15:09:261,157
(#j#)21.Psychopathic Systems - Some Earkmarks
Insight and Guide to recognizing Psychopathic Systems. Notes from lecture by Thomas Sheridan below see: "Psychopaths - This is why the world does not make sense."
2015-01-29 19:08:021,137
(#j#)22.Psychopathic Medicine Today on "The View" about Measles
Discussion about measles vaccine. The Doctor on The View said "but then there was all the damage that was done years ago. when there was some bad science out there that raised some concerns about vaccines..." Hmmm. So this is bad science??? "Dr. Suzanne Humphries, ... parents need to get informed before subjecting their children to vaccines that can potentially cause serious harm or even death. Read on...
2015-02-02 21:12:451,122
(#j#)23.Psychopathy - The pinnacle of deception
The "Mask of Sanity" a treatise on the Psychopath. A free download...
2015-01-20 14:13:591,121
(#j#)24.Contract to Kill Trump payable in BitCoins, revealed by Wikileaks
Contract to Kill Trump payable in BitCoins, revealed by Wikileaks
2017-06-10 13:05:451,113
(#j#)25.Psychopathic Medicine's Ally - The FDA "Expose' from 2000"
"The drug has no proven efficacy for the treatment of influenza in the U.S. population, no proven effect on reducing person-to-person transmissibility, and no proven impact on preventing influenza," Elashoff wrote, adding that many patients would be exposed to risks "while deriving no benefit."
2015-03-13 11:22:031,025