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(6j#) un-human426.Heaven and Hell - It's a journey
Heaven and Hell - It's a journey
2018-07-09 22:25:2888
B^J427.An Oldie but Goodie from Ray Stevens
Your daily QT
2018-06-29 13:56:322,700
B^O428.Hungary approves ‘Stop Soros’ law criminalizing aid to illegal migrants
"The law also grants the authorities permission to deny asylum claims to migrants who arrive from a country other than their own. “We want to use the bills to stop Hungary from becoming a country of immigrants,” said Interior Minister Sandor Pinter."
2018-06-25 19:01:102,375
B^D429.Free Book "Un-Human" Decoding Psychopaths and Their Systems
"Psychopaths are the Apex predator of the Human Race. If you are not like them, you can't keep up the Pace." Faith Dominoe, The Enlightened Psychopath - 2015. Release date July 4, 2018. This is your your personal Freedom and Independence Day!
2018-06-24 22:24:382,844
B^|430.40 simple hacks for everyday living
40 simple hacks for everyday living
2018-05-29 14:06:141,191
B^D431.Brilliant expose' of how the Psychopaths operate
Brilliant expose' of how the Psychopaths operate. Regardless of whatever else is said, pay attention to the explanation on psychopaths
2018-05-19 13:54:011,149
B^O432.Link to current Indictments - Do you know "Q"
2018-03-20 16:21:032,293
(#j#)433.The Set Up - Fail! Fail! Fail!
Hmmm. The twitterverse timeline. People who thirst for power are attracted to politics. There needs to be psychopath vetting to keep them out of government. It is the psychopaths that have created worldwide havoc. 1 in a 100 is a psychopath. You have likely interacted with several in your lifetime and were unaware. We all must learn how the psychopath operates. It took over 7 billion people to expose the horrific corruption created by psychopaths.
2017-10-29 12:05:131,330
B^)434.this is the type of stuff we need to show aliens to prove we aren't a bunch sh__ for brains
This is who we truly are without Dogma. The Title is a comment of the viewers of this. 65,000 in unison. Imagine how we could transform this world by setting aside Dogma's that only divide.
2017-10-27 13:01:091,510
$@j@$435.Live Streaming from London this weekend. Get your Free Account
They heard you! - You’ll be able to watch every second of the event from the comfort of your home, office or wherever else you have a computer and internet access. and
2017-10-26 15:44:16165
B^D436.A career psychopath and the psychopathic system.
The reason you drank the kool-aid and supported this psychopath. A great expose' on how the psychopathic system attempted to manipulate through psychological warefare to pervert your mind to believe the psychopath has your best interest at heart. That is how the vampire functions, and in the end kills you. The vampire is a metaphor for the psychopath.
2017-10-13 14:31:551,553
$@j@$437.How to END Financial Tyranny
Banking secrets revealed. How disruptive tech ends financial suffering. Friends don't let friend's suffer financially.
2017-10-06 15:07:13180
$@j@$438.Get your free account today! Thrive and get ahead...
3 Free's: Account, App, Rewards. This is how the next tech revolution is occurring. Blockbuster or Netflix - which one are you? Blockbuster is gone because they lacked vision, Netflix is thriving and so can you. This is about thriving in the tech revolution.
2017-09-16 10:58:42197
(#j#)439.Finally Someone Names the Behavior
This is how the human apex predator does it. Watch and learn. Vampire is a metaphor for this behavior...Learn so you are not be seduced by the false narrative to believe the lie.
2017-09-15 15:09:261,130
$@j@$440.Would you like a bit more cash?
A Revolution began after the 2008 Banking Crisis. Adding to that Crisis was the fact that the government bailed out the Banks with OUR Taxes. Did you receive any interest on that loan Bail Out? NO you did not. Two months later a Revolution in Non-Banking began. That creative solution was given to the People. The people began expanding it. Now just eight years later it is like a conspiracy theory secret. Many now know about it, yet they aren't sure about it.
2017-08-24 11:52:58178
B^J441.I'm with Her - 2 yr old has got it right on Airport stuff
Your daily QT
2017-06-30 17:00:382,109
B^)442.MSM won't shou you this
MSM won't shou you this. The real message starts at 8:25 minutes
2017-06-26 15:10:261,512
B^/443.Who is Orchestrating this? Why?
Some nefarious global swamp creature(s) are working in the dark corners orchestrating this. Who are they? Why are they doing it?
2017-06-26 13:36:261,597
B^O444.Connecting the Deep State Dots
Hiding in Plain Sight and we have all been snookered...
2017-06-24 12:13:281,634
B^O445.MSM agenda to "control what you think"
Oh my. Dear Mika - that is not your job.
2017-06-23 11:53:071,335
B^/446.Don't Mess With Canada
Canadian Sniper targets ISIS insurgent over 2 miles away...
2017-06-22 15:48:161,259
B^J447.Dog Owner gets dog a kitten - hilarity ensues
Your daily QT
2017-06-12 16:50:211,313
B^D448.Whoa! Russia has a warrant for the arrest of George Soros
GS is interfering on the international, national and local level. Why?
2017-06-10 14:12:121,254
(#j#)449.Contract to Kill Trump payable in BitCoins, revealed by Wikileaks
Contract to Kill Trump payable in BitCoins, revealed by Wikileaks
2017-06-10 13:05:451,084
B^/450.D-List Lifer - Kathy Griffin - What is really going on.
You were already broken. Here is what you don't get. The beheading is a reflection of what you really think about yourself, revealing pain you have not yet conquered. I followed you on the D List, New Years. Sorry your pain has brought you to this current experience. Faith Dominoe
2017-06-07 14:07:001,214