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B^O426.Colorado Dark Knight Shooting Possibly Staged
There is already conjecture that James Holmes may have been involved in mind-altering neuroscience research and ended up becoming involved at a depth he never anticipated. His actions clearly show a strange detachment from reality, indicating he was not in his right mind. That can only typically be accomplished through drugs, hypnosis or trauma (and sometimes all three).
2012-07-21 16:15:531,450
B^|427.One Year after the March 2011 Japan Tsunami
I'm kinda shocked to see people right back at the tsunami wall.
2012-03-09 12:45:561,449
B^O428.You have got to watch Sense8 on Netflix.
You have got to watch Sense8 on Netflix. It will twist you up in a metaphorical whirl wind for the mind. Enjoy.
2015-09-06 14:50:391,449
[:]^[]429.Listen Up Gov't - This is what We Need For Christmas
Stop lying to us. Stop spying on us. Get a life of your own.
2013-12-21 14:00:371,447
B^J430.Smeagle Sings Mad World
Smeagle Sings Mad World - No other way to say it.
2013-03-13 02:17:251,446
B^O431.Washington state’s first ‘zombie ____’ reported
The Zombie Apocalypse will start with....
2012-09-25 12:42:591,445
B^O432.They're still human beings
Let's vote them off of Earth! - this foul mouthed fellow. You don't hear the homosexual community talking this way about heterosexuals...I know this is a hot topic, however let's get some perspective here.
2012-05-22 02:25:131,444
B^D433."Free your Mind" said Morpheous to Neo in The Matrix
Just how do your "free your mind?" By healing your mind. Now how to do you heal your mind. It is a practice called "fearless forgiveness." Every time you feel fear, anxiety, hate, apprehension, afraid, resentment, anger, etc - it all stems from "fear," and all fear needs forgiveness. Enlightenment is a process you actively engage your mind to participate in...
2015-09-09 17:08:441,438
B^|434.Halloween Oddities
It's a little early - Oh, well. A Michael Jackson tribute by Ohio State Marching Band. Not sure how "Blurred Lines," fits with Halloween - man, those are some singing skills. Other Halloween classics.
2013-10-24 13:43:171,434
B^|435.There is something to be said for practicing your craft
Even the photographer/videographer(s) had to practice to capture these images and then put it together timed to the music. Skills are skills.
2012-11-15 12:00:551,434
B^v436.Converting Plastic back into Oil
This is a home unit. This process will greatly reduce world pollution. Get one.
2014-12-26 14:03:291,432
B^J437.Song - What if your ___ was gone?
Well you will just have to listen. Some good humor in the midst of all these psychopathic systems that attempt to mess with us and mess us up.
2015-02-02 19:33:231,431
B^J438.Alien Remake
The Easter Surprise
2012-04-08 13:41:231,430
B^O439.TSA Catches Al-Queda in a childs wheelchair
This is outrageous. How many times does this child need to be patted down? Next video, TSA pulls down man's pants.
2012-03-21 04:01:011,429
B^/440.What is Wrong with Americans?
Short term greed over long term rewards. The metaphor is "short sightedness." What can be done to wake us up to consider the long term consequences of our greed? How do we change that short sighted model and get us to shift? I think it must come from the masses for change to occur. Have you noticed the article on Iceland, just 2 items below?
2012-06-29 14:29:211,428
B^J441.Baby's Mission Impossible
Your daily Q.T.
2013-01-17 00:38:241,427
B^O442.Home Assault - You are on your Own till Police Arrive
20 to 60 minutes after you call! Ludicrous replies: bleach, ammonia, bat, scream, lock self in bedroom, put phone up to ear, and more really stupid suggestions BY THE POLICE!!! America giving up your guns is our Doom*&)^$^@&
2013-03-13 16:02:411,427
B^O443.Chem Trails Are Not in Your Best Interest
This cannot be a "human" agenda....
2013-05-19 12:25:281,427
B^D444.Integral Life Internet Radio - Listen 24/7
2015-07-04 14:50:241,427
B^O445.Intelligent Theives USING YOUR Intelligent Devices
2013-03-17 14:16:261,426
B^O446.Business Owners Prepair for the Zombie Apocalypse
Hmmm. Never considered that would be an issue.
2012-06-11 12:45:231,425
B^|447.Badmittion is so much better with Light Sabers!
I gotta agree here too! "Star Wars just makes everything better..." Again quote found at
2011-03-25 14:09:351,424
Again this deserves the "beauty" category, because it is a thing of beauty to see that the people have the power. There still must be vigilance, as you know how bills are passed on the SNEAK, like the NDAA...
2012-01-21 15:06:521,423
(#j#)449.Example of a Psychopathic System Disguised via Big Pharam as Candy for your Children
"New fruit flavored ADHD drug latest ploy to get our kids hooked" This is outrageous. Faith Dominoe #TheEnlightenedPsychopath
2016-06-13 11:24:101,423
B^/450.This is Heart Breaking and Heart Warming
Joe the paraplegic bunny gets some rad transportation.
2011-04-29 16:54:231,415