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5||551.Edward Snowden Leaked Documents about US Gov't Controlled by Tall White Aliens
Talk about timing of discovery. And I had heard that these Tall Whites were so nice. Hmmmm "calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth...the ‘final phase’ of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule.”
2014-01-20 14:09:37869
B^/552.U.S. is secretly run by Nazi space aliens
"Iranian news agency says." I'm kinda on board with this. As much as our government lies to us, and uses unfettered nincompoops to administer justice. Makes sense to me.
2014-01-20 13:34:511,796
5||553.89% Now Believe 9/11 was an inside job!!! Yea
"Senior Legal Counsel, John Farmer, who states, “there was an agreement not to tell the truth.”
2014-01-20 13:05:471,412
B^)554.26 Moments in 2013 that proves people are GREAT
World Governments would have us believe we hate each other. Soooo not true. We need a world wide revolution. We are sooo much better that our governments constant warring. To those who chose to stand up or help out and to those who share those pictures. Many thanks.
2014-01-12 15:29:191,901
B^/555.Remember When Alcohol was NOT on the Daily Talk Shows?
Jon Stewart's excellent expose' on the attitude change towards alcohol - could that be because it is so profitable? The problem with MJ is that it is so in expensive and is therapeutically viable treatment. Soooo, I'm guessing it is Big Pharma that doesn't want...and behind the MJ bashing.
2014-01-11 16:00:541,257
B^/556.The King of Fingers
Go get your favorite Pizza, and get your fingers out. Ready. Set. Go.
2014-01-11 15:11:231,278
B^O557.Police Officer Asks if he was Smoking
Then claims he was loitering. The Officer caused the loitering due to - I gotta say it - STUPID QUESTIONS. What has happened to out Police Officers? I think it is just a ploy to steal our hard earned $$. For absolutely no legitimate reason.
2014-01-04 18:17:371,281
B^O558.Huge Dump of Monsanto Stock due to GMO contamination
Well it is about damn time. Greed proliferates until it is not longer profitable.
2013-12-28 15:33:201,639
B^/559.The Random Number Generator
Used by NSA and others, explained. Well this would take more indepth study - I not that interested - however, you may be, so here is the beginning of how it works.
2013-12-23 18:21:441,349
B^)560.Tis the Season for Decorating with Lights
These are homes you will not see unless you live there.
2013-12-22 12:29:241,980
B^O561.Whoa! Court Rules - Not Illegal to Falsify News
What? What? What? Monsanto owns Fox News - Controls what Fox News tells us about Monsanto...
2013-12-21 14:37:561,334
[:]^[]562.Listen Up Gov't - This is what We Need For Christmas
Stop lying to us. Stop spying on us. Get a life of your own.
2013-12-21 14:00:371,427
B^v563.Health Care Not Not Not
Stop this insanity. Scrap it - hire an independent research group - come up with a great plan, not a peacemeal, non-understandable Health plan like this non-sense Obamacare BS.
2013-12-21 13:53:441,789
B^O564.Greed over Well Being
Something is very wrong here....
2013-12-21 12:47:021,311
B^/565.Landfill Orchestra
This is both beautiful and horribly sad
2013-12-21 12:25:31914
B^|566.What is inside your smart phone
Hey, this is a community that helps if your need to repair your devices...
2013-12-14 15:09:071,355
B^|567.Excellent Production for 2013 in Review
Do you know all the references? I missed a couple
2013-12-12 12:38:491,299
B^|568.And Now for some Holiday Cheer
It's a commercial and a very, very good and clever. It will warm your hearts
2013-12-11 11:25:251,735
5||569.Serve and Protect has become Seize and Profit
This is Asset Forteiture Abuse...A Policeman can take your assets on a suspicion - because they know most people cannot afford to go to court.
2013-11-03 13:11:23951
B^|570.Golden Voiced Clown
Singing "Royals"
2013-11-03 12:51:411,200
B^/571.3 Stepped Pyramids - 3 Countries
A different point of view...
2013-11-01 12:54:091,349
B^/572.Dark City - the Movie - It is time to realize your power
Now is a great time to review this movie is you have not yet seen it. It is pure metaphor. The point is that there are many factions would have us believe we are powerless - that is the lie, which John Murdock figures out.
2013-10-27 12:38:231,093
B^O573.Real Reason for USA Gov't Shutdown....Nuclear Bombs for So. Carolina
Were to be released in the heart of Charleston to eliminate 24 Million USA citizens. WTF! WTF! Was going to call this a terrorist attack (aka False Flag) declare Martial Law, and then we have our Dictator. Generals who leaked info was fired by Obama...
2013-10-24 14:33:14965
B^|574.Halloween Oddities
It's a little early - Oh, well. A Michael Jackson tribute by Ohio State Marching Band. Not sure how "Blurred Lines," fits with Halloween - man, those are some singing skills. Other Halloween classics.
2013-10-24 13:43:171,416
B^|575.Getting your Halloween On...
Forget synchronized led lights - Now it's projection videos on your house. I still think the lights are awesome though.
2013-10-21 10:40:12865