No. | Item | Added | Hits | |
B^/ | 901. | Could this be why the News Channels do not tell you the truth Who benefits from withholding the truth? |
2012-01-05 18:22:32 | 1,753 |
B^O | 902. | Arrested for Announcing the NDAA Guess the sneak passing of NDAA on the eve of 2012, is not going over so well now in 2012 |
2012-01-05 18:11:42 | 1,871 |
B^J | 903. | Grandma's got rhythym A different kind of daily QT. |
2012-01-05 14:55:33 | 1,906 |
B^\ | 904. | Utica, NY Police CAUGHT planting a baggie of drugs Caught on their own cam recording - their suspicious activity. Watch what the police person pulls out of his back pocket, and what he does with it. Hmmm, whose finger prints are going to be on that baggie? I wonder...You hear about such things taking place, and you just don't want to believe that those who are paid to protect us, can do such a despicable thing to another human being. This is very, very sad. |
2012-01-03 14:46:56 | 1,694 |
B^{} | 905. | UF0"S through Night Vision Goggles I have seen such things myself with these Night Vision Goggles. There is certainly an abundance of activity going on out there.... |
2012-01-03 14:28:51 | 1,824 |
B^O | 906. | New Obama Poster Celebrating the Passing of the NDAA Celebrating the Passing of the NDAA... |
2012-01-02 14:18:15 | 1,347 |
B^/ | 907. | Think you know Iowa Oh Yaa - You don't know Iowa....R rated - some swear words |
2012-01-02 14:08:23 | 1,604 |
[:]^[] | 908. | New car motor - no engine, no transmission, no cooling systems, etc Gasoline engine that requires no transmission, crankshaft, pistons, valves, fuel compression, cooling systems or fluids. |
2012-01-01 16:42:20 | 1,785 |
B^v | 909. | Facebook launches Suicide Prevention Tool In the past year, more than 8 million Americans 18 or older had thought seriously about suicide, according to a blog post by the Surgeon General |
2012-01-01 16:39:11 | 2,285 |
B^/ | 910. | Penn Jillette explains the 2012 candidates Warning: From the perspective an atheist...At least his perspective is not filtered through a religious bent. |
2012-01-01 16:32:35 | 1,636 |
B^O | 911. | Welcome to 2012 - Obama Style Rachel Maddow - breaks it all down for us. A legal regime outside of the law and courts - Obama criticizes the Bush Administration for the very thing he has just created in a different fashion. America we have been scammed again! |
2012-01-01 15:57:12 | 1,521 |
B^/ | 912. | The Real Reason to Militarize our Police Fargo, N.D., Seriously! Those companies producing military equipment, will have to cut back production of those war materials. Oh! How sad. Just retool and create items for a Peaceful World. All we have to do is simply refuse to participate in war and participate only in activities that support Peace and improve unhealthy conditions. Surely there is enough work in that field for decades to come! TCoF |
2011-12-30 17:44:02 | 1,411 |
B^O | 913. | Obama says US Constituiton is flawed! Signs NDAA into law This is a very, very sad day in the history of the USA. |
2011-12-22 02:33:48 | 1,831 |
B^| | 914. | Santa Clause, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas Morph Remember the Norwegian Ice Breaker? Well turns out It is Norway again that does the initial work. |
2011-12-20 12:54:50 | 1,575 |
B^J | 915. | Norwegian Icebreaker heads up the North Saskatchewan River As you may have seen on the news it's been very cold in Alberta ... So cold, in fact, that the Government of Alberta has borrowed a Norwegian Icebreaker to clear the North Saskatchewan River for freighter traffic. The Icebreaker is starting near Devon and working its way northward. Here is a picture as the hard work of ice breaking begins. Impressive! Norwegian Icebreaker comes to the rescue . . . |
2011-12-18 15:06:55 | 2,936 |
B^J | 916. | Puppies and Christmas - Nuf said Your daily QT. |
2011-12-18 14:16:27 | 1,829 |
B^O | 917. | Continuing the David Wilcock Saga - Truth Aboult Gold and The Future You have got to listen to this program. |
2011-12-16 13:56:22 | 1,671 |
B^O | 918. | Fake Bonds, David Wilcock threatened, Ben Fulford detained This is a really intellectual issue and it is quite stunning as to how deep this goes. So get your cup of coffee, put your feet up and start reading. Easy way to get this is to do a File>Print>PDF. Then save this document and print it. It's gonna be a long night of awakenings.... |
2011-12-15 19:07:47 | 1,367 |
B^{} | 919. | Cloaked ship by Mercury Cloaked ship revealed after CME from our Sun passes over. |
2011-12-11 11:20:37 | 2,189 |
B^/ | 920. | The Planet Venus! No Way If this is Venus, she is a very busy girl and participating in very "high strangeness." |
2011-10-26 17:27:19 | 1,538 |
B^\ | 921. | Islamic Violence Against Women This is outrageous. DO NOT watch if you are under 18. How many more must suffer this terror, before the blood lust will be satisfied. This film is horrific and we must face this horrific truth in order to stop it. |
2011-07-10 16:56:56 | 2,112 |
B^| | 922. | Make yourself an Orchestra I am told this is "The Game of Thrones." Take a break and enjoy. |
2011-07-10 13:14:48 | 1,640 |
B^) | 923. | Fireworks Special EFX, and Sports - Enjoy Sometimes you just gotta get creative and have some fun with it. |
2011-07-04 13:27:11 | 2,328 |
B^\ | 924. | Prosecuted for having a "Cure for Cancer." "It seems the entire criminal indictment was geared toward placing Dr. Burzynski in prison so he could not defend himself against the criminal theft of part of his discovery..." |
2011-06-13 14:02:30 | 1,698 |
B^O | 925. | Sustainibility proponents threat to Humanity There are things in place created by "unsane groups," that appear to be altogether "unhumane." E. Coli infected with the Black Plague. Japan targeted with March 2011 earthquake, to prevent alliance with Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Do not watch the video if you "can't handle the truth!" |
2011-06-12 15:55:04 | 1,680 |
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