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B^v201.It would be safer to sign a contract with a Drug Cartel
Than sign with the WHO
2024-01-14 05:04:0238
(6j#) un-human202.Jim Caveziel explains how Adrenaboost is harvested
How many children are sacrificed for this horror?
2024-01-14 04:59:1182
B^v203.Chemo and radiation
Kill healthy cells
2024-01-14 04:52:1549
(6j#) un-human204.5.7 Billion jabbed with poison
Dying from jab, he wants WEF, WHO, GAVI. Gates and the rest who pushed the poison all arrested
2024-01-14 04:41:3528
B^Q205.Climate change hoax. 0.04% is the amount of carbon dioxide
Of that 0.04% 3% is created by humans
2024-01-14 04:21:1340
B^Q206.How we were tricked into poisoning ourselves with Flouride
Tricksters are everywhere in every system
2024-01-14 04:06:3854
(6j#) un-human207.Media reporting Elite injecting young blood
To help them stay young
2024-01-14 04:01:5987
(6j#) un-human208.Warning. Warning. Warning
What is behind child trafficking. It's a horror
2024-01-14 03:57:5335
B^Q209.Climate change is a hoax.
Co2 is necessary for life
2024-01-14 03:46:4062
B^v210.Lactobacillus salavarious
Why we all need it
2024-01-14 03:31:2028
B^v211.Dr. McCullough shares info with EU Doctors on the damage to the heart
Done by the jab
2024-01-14 03:15:1131
B^v212.CDC private and public VAERS reporting systems
Withholding information is the same as lying
2024-01-14 03:11:0237
B^D213."The Perfidoius Unreality of the New Normal"
This is the article by Kit Knightly explains how the psychopathic crime syndicate operates to convince you your observations are lies
2024-01-12 20:52:2666
B^v214.You still have time to get on the Extended Black Friday Winter Special
Stimulates healing during sleep, that incorporates NASA technology used in the space program
2024-01-12 20:40:1929
B^D215.Profound expose' on how the global psychopathic crime syndicate
Creates Fakery so you doubt your own observed truths
2024-01-12 20:36:0768
B^v216.Jab related heart,disease
Jab related heart disease
2024-01-11 22:00:2939
B^v217.Spanish Flu of 1918 caused by a vaccine
Haters of humanity
2024-01-11 21:58:0559
B^|218.Vinek flips the scripts on the lying media
Wants the lying to end
2024-01-11 21:48:1026
B^)219."Biden will not get any better. Trump governed responsibly"
Clearly said
2024-01-11 21:18:2232
B^|220.Biden learned from Obama & Hillary how to insulate hi self
Newt Gingrich explains
2024-01-11 21:12:5727
B^v221.Fauci and his minions must pay for their treachery
2024-01-11 20:07:0760
B^O222.Must watch "The Antidote" by Dr. Brian Ardis
Explosive. The fake treatments were in place long before C19 came along. This is far above and beyond a psychopatic endeavor. It is more like megalomania, headed by Fauci. Hitler + Mangele = Fauci
2024-01-11 19:30:1346
B^O223.Civil War in Ecuador, manipulated virus kills 100% of mice
But wait there's more
2024-01-11 18:26:3170
B^v224.The Medical Drug Cartel hid data on anti-depressants
They only care about the $$$, not what is best for you
2024-01-11 18:08:2468
B^v225.$14 Million paid by the Medical Drug Cartel to 55 mental health doctors
To create a book of diagnosis and teeatment
2024-01-11 18:03:1237