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B^)701.Thrive - 2012 Review and 2013 Vision
There is no need to return to the old program of fear. The Thrive phenomena proves that - there is a hunger in the masses to change, improve, express our magnificence, cause no harm...
2012-12-31 07:02:061,863
B^O702.They're Back - Those Sun Anomalies from March 2012
Captured on Dec 27, 2012. Either they're back or they just never left.
2012-12-31 06:14:091,322
B^/703.Apolcaypse Aftermath Thought by Esai Morales
"We're living in a world that seems to be run by Organized Crime, and thank you - the organizers, the founders, the speakers, the communicators, for taking it, from a world of organized crime to a term that I coined today: Organized Divine." The audience breaks out in applause....He says more..
2012-12-24 08:34:511,463
B^|704.Merry Christmas
Your Christmas Card
2012-12-24 07:28:141,606
5||705.The Matrix Artifact Illusion
Staged crises are also an example of power. They are perverse art flung up on the screen of our perception...
2012-12-24 07:04:461,982
B^/706.Apocalypse Aftermath Thoughts by Michael Beckwith Choose 12.23.12
2012-12-23 11:02:481,152
B^J707.Cat reacts to Mario jump
I've watched it - it's over - and I'm still laughing.
2012-12-22 21:31:161,836
B^/708.Apocalypse Rebirth Directive
A message from those aboard the ISS...
2012-12-22 21:13:171,355
B^|709.Apocalypse Celebrations Continue
2012-12-22 20:50:371,468
B^)710.Apocalypse Aftermath
Well since we are still here, why not participate in the shift at 1:00pm PST with...Events start at 11:30 am if you are up and alert....
2012-12-22 08:14:211,706
B^|711.Apolcalypse Movie Review
I am definitely under movied. There just isn't time to catch up on all that I've missed. Oh, well something to look forward to on the other side.
2012-12-21 08:22:161,592
B^/712.Apocalypse of Thought
"Apocalypse does not point..."
2012-12-21 05:10:041,549
B^O713.Apocalypse of the Om's
One Billion OM's this FRIDAY can't be a bad day.
2012-12-21 04:49:261,210
B^/714.Apocalypse Shift to more Fear or More Love
You decide. See you on the other side.
2012-12-20 20:33:191,568
B^O715.Apocalypse Unity 2012
2012-12-20 11:56:391,549
B^)716.Apocalypse Watch Live Now!
Birth/Transformation 2012 will happen regardless of what you do or not do. So I say why not. Things can certainly get worse. Things can certainly get better. Why not be a part of the "get better" crowd...
2012-12-20 09:53:211,751
B^)717.Apocalypse Transformed
Transform it Forward...
2012-12-20 09:48:581,654
B^O718.Apocalypse Weather Forecast
It's gonna be searing - as in our goose is cooked and well done
2012-12-20 09:45:061,271
5||719.The Path to the Truth is Very Convoluted
Get your coffee/tea and just listen and ponder....
2012-11-26 12:26:541,116
B^|720.Let' Dance
Someone has watched a lot of movies with dancing and created a great montage. Yikes I know most of the movies...
2012-11-26 11:46:261,504
B^|721.There is something to be said for practicing your craft
Even the photographer/videographer(s) had to practice to capture these images and then put it together timed to the music. Skills are skills.
2012-11-15 12:00:551,424
B^J722.Driving in Russia
It is both funny and tragic. Sometimes it is good to require driver training and laws. Some appear to comprehend neither.
2012-11-15 11:45:051,648
5||723.Shadow Operations - The Mars Project
If you never ever watch another show or read another item, YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO. Many of these revelations I was aware of - I am totally blown away that this was allowed to be broadcast. Kudos to TRU TV, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan for finally telling us what is truely going on that has been hidden for decades...
2012-11-11 11:29:441,214
5||724.64 Year Old Grandpa, Needs Your Help to Take Back America!
Lawless America now in production. This Grandpa wants a 1 Million person march on Washington D.C., Jan 9 and 10, 2012 to get us back to our Constitutional foundation and rights.
2012-11-05 11:07:321,348
B^O725.A Message we Believe Rosanne Barr Would Support
For you Boomers: Remember Leslie Gore's song: "Don't Tell Me What To Do..." Well this is very appropriate, now considering Romney wants to have the Supreme Court overturn Roe V Wade.
2012-11-05 10:59:271,574