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(#j#)476.The Set Up - Fail! Fail! Fail!
Hmmm. The twitterverse timeline. People who thirst for power are attracted to politics. There needs to be psychopath vetting to keep them out of government. It is the psychopaths that have created worldwide havoc. 1 in a 100 is a psychopath. You have likely interacted with several in your lifetime and were unaware. We all must learn how the psychopath operates. It took over 7 billion people to expose the horrific corruption created by psychopaths.
2017-10-29 12:05:131,363
B^|477.Trans Siberian Orchestra - Get your Holidays Started Right with TSO - HD
OMG! OMG! We went last night to their concert in Portland, Oregon, which by the way is where they played their first ever Concert. This was truly a transcendent experience. We encourage all to experience the TSO. Awesome. Exhilirating. Amazing. Beautiful. Words do not adequately describe the experience.
2015-11-30 13:14:071,363
B^/478.3 Stepped Pyramids - 3 Countries
A different point of view...
2013-11-01 12:54:091,362
B^/479.The Random Number Generator
Used by NSA and others, explained. Well this would take more indepth study - I not that interested - however, you may be, so here is the beginning of how it works.
2013-12-23 18:21:441,361
5||480.Trans-Atlantic Doomed to Extinction
Did you know that the USA is set to BAIL out EUROPE - This weekend?? England is Bankrupt and only care about saving their self no matter the cost to others!!!
2012-07-01 13:16:151,360
B^O481.212 Toxic Chemicals Found in Blood that were Banned over 30 yrs ago!
We are such F*%*)_&#$@ Idiots
2013-02-27 14:06:581,356
An excellent expose by Alfred Webre on solutions for global transformation. He revealed things I know and I am surprised he revealed how we have been interfered with by some nefarious characters - Not of the Earth! Listen to the archive of this interview...
2013-01-10 13:43:221,354
B^|483.Measles vaccine. No one died when we got the Measles
We expected to get measles, mumps, chicken pox. It was just part of the growing up process. There are childhood diseases that simply don not kill. It is more likely that you will become more ill than you ever imagined if you get a current vaccine. Read the letter in response to this video.
2015-02-20 12:59:061,353
(#j#)484.Psychopathic Medicine Backfire!!!
"BACKFIRE: How the vaccine industry lost the propaganda war, alienated the public and stirred up suspicion of the entire medical profession" by by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
2015-02-20 16:47:011,353
B^/485.Why Dogs Spin before doing most everything
I've been wondering this myself lately.
2014-02-22 12:58:341,351
(#j#)486.Psychopathic Medical Systems - Welcome to Police State Med
USA Today columnist calls for imprisonment of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. Why? "...recent confession of a top CDC whistleblower who reveals how the CDC committed scientific fraud to bury scientific evidence showing a link between vaccines and autism."
2015-01-29 18:27:161,351
B^O487.Fake Bonds, David Wilcock threatened, Ben Fulford detained
This is a really intellectual issue and it is quite stunning as to how deep this goes. So get your cup of coffee, put your feet up and start reading. Easy way to get this is to do a File>Print>PDF. Then save this document and print it. It's gonna be a long night of awakenings....
2011-12-15 19:07:471,351
B^O488.Whoa! Court Rules - Not Illegal to Falsify News
What? What? What? Monsanto owns Fox News - Controls what Fox News tells us about Monsanto...
2013-12-21 14:37:561,350
B^O489.Smoking Gun - Fake Alien Invastion to Help Hillary!! Really
Finally the tech exposed as to how they fake an alien invastion because Hillary can't win legally or by popular vote. Note how the bottom of the page says "Do Not Distribute, Do Not Copy." Well Anonymous got this for us. Another example of how the Psychopaths and their systems work to manipulate you. #TheEnlightenedPsychopath
2016-10-21 15:54:221,349
B^O490.Jade Helm might be a preparation for an unusual eruption of Energy
where these energies might cause people to react very strange, who have previously not reacted strangely. There is time now to prepare for this possibly around September 15 to 17, 2015 or there abouts. A common symptom will be unusual sleep patterns, and needing more sleep during this time.
2015-06-20 15:35:391,346
B^O491.MSM agenda to "control what you think"
Oh my. Dear Mika - that is not your job.
2017-06-23 11:53:071,345
B^O492.Greed over Well Being
Something is very wrong here....
2013-12-21 12:47:021,335
B^O493.They're Back - Those Sun Anomalies from March 2012
Captured on Dec 27, 2012. Either they're back or they just never left.
2012-12-31 06:14:091,334
5||494.Anonymous Shuts down FBI
Well now. Lookey here what Anonymous can do....
2013-01-10 13:34:201,333
5||495.Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Exposes 9/11
Extremely disturbing. And she confirms what many already believe - it was an inside job, well planned in advance. The powers that orchestrate such events cannot be human. They are psychopaths.
2013-06-24 12:26:161,332
B^O496.New Obama Poster Celebrating the Passing of the NDAA
Celebrating the Passing of the NDAA...
2012-01-02 14:18:151,330
B^J497.Dog Owner gets dog a kitten - hilarity ensues
Your daily QT
2017-06-12 16:50:211,329
B^O498.Sochi Olympic Hackers Steal your info in less than 1 minute
I really despise that this information must be made public. Too bad we just cant relax and watch or participate safely.
2014-02-09 11:57:411,327
5||499.Bilderberger Elite Angry over Constant Exposure [in Europe]
Sooo...Where will they hold their 2013 annual meeting? "Returning to America in 2012, Bilderberg were able to rely on tighter security and a compliant media that virtually blacklisted their presence." Read on....
2013-01-05 10:53:341,327
(#j#)500.CDC Whistleblower given immunity to testify about vaccines
"the real number may be 1.2 million vaccine-adverse events annually...“There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination."
2015-02-05 20:18:281,326