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B^O926.US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence
US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence of US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare. I really struggled with this one. If you don't know what is really going on, you can't do anything about it. In my book "omission" is the same as lying. This is hard to look at, because it reflects back to us our own dark side manifesting destruction on the innocent. Hey, we are all children of God and we should all be treated as such, no matter who you think your God is! TCoF
2011-04-30 14:52:381,912
B^{}927.More Authorities Out-Of-Ego-Control
Here again an Authority makes up rules. An outright lie by the Authority. We have a problem people. Since when do Authorities have the right to lie to a tax paying citizen, and then tell them to go into their own house and shut up. We really have a serious problem people!
2011-04-29 17:12:391,812
B^|928.Steve Irwin taught us that Raised Arms makes all the difference.
Look at how fast the Moose turns around, after he raises his arms. Steve Irwin taught us that the raised arms, causes the animal to believe you are much larger, and you are not to be messed with.
2011-04-29 17:02:341,690
B^/929.This is Sad, Cute and Disturbing all at the same time
Guess they start them out real young over there.
2011-04-29 16:58:311,502
B^/930.This is Heart Breaking and Heart Warming
Joe the paraplegic bunny gets some rad transportation.
2011-04-29 16:54:231,397
B^/931.Yup. Now it's an Ego-Out-Of-Control Policeman in the USA.
Apparently something has happened to cause Policemen from the UK to the USA to believe they can do whatever they want, and make up reasons to do it. Perhaps the candidates for the Police force, aren't well screened for anger issues. There is something in the US Constitution, about illegal search and seizure. How is it a question gets you seized, and put in a police car? Aren't you glad that camera's are so available to prove what citizens have been saying all along.
2011-04-29 14:57:011,527
B^O932.The Terminators are Coming! The Terminators are Coming!
I'm kinda thinking it won't be too long before Cyberdyne, SkyNet, and those baddies are just not too far off!
2011-04-23 13:22:471,490
B^O933.Your I-Phone is secretely tracking you for the police
...and Michigan police are extracting phone data from ANY cell phone remotely without probable cause. Police have an "extractor" to get your photos, emails, messages, phone numbers, etc, without "probable cause." I'll bet you did not know this was an app in your service contract?
2011-04-22 16:37:151,989
B^)934.Take Just 3 Minutes Out of Your Day and Relax...
From, El Teide, Spain's highest mountain.
2011-04-18 13:03:032,160
B^|935.Oregon Legislators Just Getting Their Rick Roll On
Yup. That's what you get in a "balanced" legislature.
2011-04-18 12:47:361,860
B^/936.China Bans Time Travel !!!
For all you Quantum Leapers, Back to the Futurists, Time Cops, Terminators, 7 Day'ers, Dan Burish Fans, John Titor Followers, What the Bleepers, Time Tunnel Boomers, Quantum Physics Parallel Dimensions Physicists, you know who you are. China has different ideas...
2011-04-16 13:01:571,453
B^/937.Just Knitting and Making Friends
Yup, that's what I'm doing, knitting and making friends.
2011-04-16 00:14:381,491
B^\938.OMG! Death Penalty for Miscarriages! Really! Really!
So this lawmaker in Georgia, wants to put 500,000 more women in jail! How does someone like this get elected? What if it was his wife, daughter, sister? Hey Franklin, do your research first! "More than 500,000 pregnancies each year end in miscarriage (occurring during the first 20 weeks)...miscarriages are a very common occurrence. Sources vary, but many estimate that approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage; and some estimates are as high as 1 in 3." Source:
2011-03-26 15:37:211,973
B^|939.Darth Vader has invaded Earth - Run, Run
Well maybe not invaded just yet, however, it looks like he's certainly trying different disguises...
2011-03-25 14:17:132,101
B^|940.Badmittion is so much better with Light Sabers!
I gotta agree here too! "Star Wars just makes everything better..." Again quote found at
2011-03-25 14:09:351,411
B^|941.Death by Moving Bike Ramp
Things that may you go Hmmmm. There are no words. There just are no words.
2011-03-25 13:28:411,616
B^/942.This is why we can't get along...
Makes you want to join right up doesn't it? It is not about the ground or location. It's a metaphor. We are all sacred ground. If we treated each other like we were all sacred it would certainly be a different world. TCoF
2011-03-25 13:24:201,501
B^/943.Is There Something We Are NOT Being Told?
Well, I guess they gotta stay somewhere when they visit
2011-03-06 13:06:381,386
B^O944.UFOs in the UK: Britain's Actual 'X-Files' Released
For the next month these X-Files are freely available at:
2011-03-05 13:36:512,107
B^/945.Charlie Sheen makes a very profound observation.
It's scary how right he is...
2011-03-04 22:54:351,809
B^/946.Best Use of a Snow Man
Now that's the way it's done, Winter 2011.
2011-03-04 22:25:501,632
B^J947.For all you Engineers and Physicists and those who get Quantum Physics
Hmmm! The coffee break room is such a conundrum these days
2011-03-03 13:05:542,185
B^J948.This is how the Boomers did it
Hey I still have mine, do you? How do you recycle these things anyway?
2011-03-02 14:40:341,842
B^|949.Wanna Take A Ride
How they do it in Chile, South America...
2011-03-02 14:14:061,817
B^O950.CPR for Yourself!!!
Cough every 2 seconds till help the details>>>
2011-02-06 14:14:372,055