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B^{}951.3 different videos synchronized showing UFO on Jan, 28, 2011 over Jerusalem
Keep watching, keep watching - EE gads, what can do that?
2011-02-03 02:45:361,851
B^|952.Ah! Armchar Sports. All the thrills without the spills
Parasailing skiing in Switzerland.
2010-11-15 03:53:501,816
B^{}953.Outch! Oowwee! OMG!
Ah! Yes, the wonderful life of torment. Like there's just not enough suffering already....
2010-11-14 13:27:542,129
B^/954.Apocalyptic Kick Ass Fire Engine
I want one. Who's with me on this? London here we come...
2010-11-12 01:30:101,754
B^)955.This young man is going to be a great father someday
Rescued baby humming bird.
2010-11-11 01:16:521,598
B^J956.Smart Dog Imitates Wookie
Your QT of the day, maybe month.
2010-11-11 00:54:573,687
B^/957.On 11-11, 2010, One Million People Across The Globe
To participate: Separation is an egoic construct that we have all participated in creating. The illusion of separation must be healed. We heal the separation by choosing the path of non-separation. We are all children of God, how can we treat each other that we are less. Who does it really serve? Continuing to choose insanity will not end the insanity. If we want things to improve - we must act as if the improvement is now, and we can't wait for someone else to lead us. We are the leaders we have been waiting for. I extend a great big thank you for taking the lead in the project. The date doesn't really matter, it's just another part of the separation, it's just another day. What does matter is that we choose to participate because it is a prudent and necessary path. TCoF
2010-11-02 02:41:412,086
B^O958.Do Not Allow Your Pets to Eat: Corn, Wheat or Soy - It's Deadly!
"These three grains are killers. Corn, Wheat and Soy are toxic to cats and dogs."
2010-10-31 16:11:403,224
B^|959.Some Halloween Treats
And the Dogs have it. Kitties have their work cut out for them....
2010-10-31 14:05:141,876
B^|960.Cutest Little Guard.
Your Daily QT. Practicing for their future job.
2010-10-30 22:25:531,836
B^|961.Damn! When is he coming to America?? 2011 that's when
Get your tickets now! Learn more at He is coming here in the dead of winter! Get your snowplows ready...
2010-10-24 12:56:192,197
B^|962.Japan scary good with holograms - not just robots
What happens when they combine them. As one commenter said, "no wonder aliens are afraid of the human race."
2010-10-24 12:41:031,961
B^/963.Geek is the new Koooool!
How many of you are not afraid to get your "geek on?" A big thank you to for this educational graphic...
2010-10-24 12:13:461,784
B^/964.How many more dead with satisfy this bloodlust?
Ah, yes the destruction of a country is just not enough. This is very disturbing. If your're not disturbed by this, then you're not human...
2010-10-24 11:45:121,752
B^J965.Oops! A Really Big Oops!
2010-10-24 11:39:442,081
B^|966.For All You Coffee Latte Drinkers Out There
I'm not a coffee drinker. I do however appreciate good understandable art, and clever innovations. I'm not sure how much better this makes the world, or reduces pollution, or helps to clean up the planet. Maybe that is not the point. Maybe it's just to enjoy the moment differently. TCoF
2010-10-21 11:27:221,768
B^/967.Those Japanese are scary good with robots.
I gotta say, she sorta sounds like the Chipmunks. No offense meant to the chipmunks.
2010-10-20 02:59:391,573
B^J968.That is one clever dog.
I wonder how he got that Jack-o-Lantern up there?
2010-10-20 02:33:271,838
B^Q969.Parapalegic's get up and walk!
Awesome Innovation.
2010-10-15 13:20:541,919
B^/970.Google's Driverless Car
There are no words. There just are no words. Hey, I know, maybe the FBI can GPS this and waste more of our taxpayer $$$.
2010-10-13 01:49:061,893
B^/971.GPS'd Car by FBI. Person investigated found boring...
Well now. Here's the verification for the 9th item below. "Your vehicle may be Gps'd without your permission."
2010-10-13 01:33:511,696
B^O972.Malicious Computer Virus disguised as "pdf" or "wmv"
Verified by Snopes from September 2010: "Here you have" or "Just for you" in the Subject Line...The files attached to the e-mails are dangerous because they appear to be a PDF or Windows Media (WMV) files but are actually disguised files known as Trojans. When it is run, the virus installs itself on your computer.
2010-10-12 10:53:192,141
B^O973.Beware of New Clothes, Towels, Underwear, etc, Bed Bug Infestation
Bed Bugs have invaded...
2010-10-11 12:30:382,145
B^v974.Reverse Alzheimers' with a natural food - Coconut Oil
"A drug company reluctantly decides to put a non-patentable natural substance (medium-chain triglycerides derived from coconut or palm) through an FDA trial. It works. But, darn it, a smart doctor figures out that a natural food can be substituted for the super-expensive drug...the ketones from natural coconut oil last in the body longer than the drug version—eight hours instead of three hours...This is enough to make a drug company start worrying about its future. What if this natural health idea really catches on?"
2010-10-11 12:09:245,278
B^v975.Kick GMO's out of the USA
It all started with a little near coastal town in Oregon. Tillamook, Oregon and now the repercussions of Monsanto's bovine growth hormone is being dealt a fatal blow.
2010-10-11 11:52:312,470