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(#j#)26.Psychopaths - This is why the world does not make sense
Just found this and he expresses what I have been striving to understand - the reasons why this world makes no sense. The psychopath in your personal life is also the corporate, government, medical psychopath, etc...
2015-01-20 14:47:47878
(#j#)27.49 psychopatic leaders that got away with horrors
We must learn to recognize these psychopaths and send them to a prison dimension
2024-03-13 10:20:03366
(#j#)28.Foundations:Rockefeller, Gates, Hopkins
Are all connected through nefarious psychopathic agendas
2024-03-12 06:49:22242
(#j#)29.The WHO Charter of 1904 suspends Civil rights
And are now solidifying Civil Rights suspension in secret. Will utilizize a fake plandemic, with no proof, just based on a WHO members unjustified belief
2024-03-12 07:08:00242
(#j#)30.An excellent explanation of how psychopaths and their psychopathic systems operate
Modern society is mostly unaware of the modern psychopathic crime syndicates systems that are in place to destroy modern society. Look at how the elite operate, believing they are superior to the divine
2023-12-20 19:25:48127
(#j#)31.Proof that others understand psychopaths ruin everything
Psychopaths have no off button, cannot not be psychos. There is no drug or therapy that stops them. 1 to 7 in 100 are psychos. You have likely crossed paths with several unaware. The vampire is a metaphor for psychos. No reflection in mirror = no ability to self challenge. Are chronic liars. These are just a few of their tells
2023-12-27 19:42:19122
(#j#)32.It's beginning to Look a lot like Democide
Canada is in denial as are other governments. Is anyone surprised? No, not really
2023-12-22 22:28:14114
(#j#)33.Pentagon misled on Wuhan Institute by investments from Guess Who
Psychopaths always use a proxy to point away from their dastardly deeds
2023-12-20 17:30:59111
(#j#)34.This is how the institutionalized psychopathic system operates
learn how they carry out their agenda. Get this free book that explains how the psychopaths and their crime syndicate operates.
2023-12-20 19:38:16111
(#j#)35.Just one of the tools that the psychopathic crime syndicate uses
Black PAC is just one of their tools. Get this free book that explains how the psychopaths and their crime syndicate operates.
2023-12-21 17:14:38111
(#j#)36.Do you know who you really are? Do you know who others really are?
It's a horror show, you are in it unaware, orchestrated by the psychopathic decepticons
2023-12-27 13:52:16111
(#j#)37.The Scientific Destruction of the mind
It's a Psychopathic plot worldwide. Wake the F up people
2024-05-26 18:57:10111
(#j#)38.Off to the Gulag for the J6'ers
The Psychopathic Crime Syndicate paid for by us, with our tax Dollar$!
2023-12-23 21:19:14108
(#j#)39.Forbes explains the mimicry of psychopaths
JB a lifelong psychopath, pretending to be a  butterfly, is a wasp, with dementia = grifting idiot. The world and we all see it. We need "jedi psychopathic mind decoders". Forbes explains psycho mimics. You can learn to recognize them
2023-12-28 18:00:28108
(#j#)40.Fauci said those who refuse jab
Should have their right to refuse be taken away
2024-01-17 05:35:39107
(#j#)41.Learn how the Psychopaths Unite against the Divine
Their tools are endless because they have no off button
2023-12-21 17:24:34107
(#j#)42.The UN is infiltrated by psychopaths
This is a pattern. They always start out good, get infiltrated and perverted by a consortium of psychopaths
2024-02-09 10:40:07107
(#j#)43.When it's explained so susscinctly and clearly, I gotta reference it
For you viewing pleasure. The psychopathic decepticons sources and methods in just one area. These practices are utilized in govt, corporations, politics, medicine. Any enterprise where Domination is the goal.
2023-12-27 14:02:05106
(#j#)44.The psychopathic crime syndicate at its best
Tucker is flummoxed by his visit with Julian Assange. There is a life threatening horror for exposing the psychopathic crime syndicate
2023-12-27 13:25:30104
(#j#)45.Biden traitorous Horror show
Biden is a demented psychopath
2023-12-27 21:09:45101
(#j#)46.Prince Philp wanted to be reincarnated
As a humanity destroying virus!
2024-01-06 22:14:20101
(#j#)47.Pelosi a psychopath blocked J6 testimony
Psychopaths are "control addicts" via chronic lying
2024-01-06 20:44:54100
(#j#)48.Bugs for thee, but not the Elite
Club of Rome, began with climate hoax to bring world wide control of human survival. Who do they think they are serving. Well it isn't the, Divine.
2024-01-06 21:10:3398
(#j#)49.The Demobrats ruin everything
In your face Demobrats
2024-03-06 07:56:5495