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B^O101.EPA outta control.
America: a different for of scamming. Another example of an government agency lying. What happened to government, of the People, by the People, for the People? Now we have dictator Agencies? Who thinks up this convoluted B.S.?
2012-03-11 12:40:541,713
B^O102.America Scammed Again by the TSA
There are those who are making a whole bunch of $$$ on fraud products. Leave it to the government to waste our tax dollars....
2012-03-07 13:07:011,432
B^O103.America you are now being Scammed again
Your American Scammed Again series...We can stop this if we wake up from the media dream we are being fed....
2012-02-13 12:19:331,523
B^O104.Wayne Paul Explains the truth about the Federal Reserve
2012-01-22 13:23:511,700
B^O105.Arrested for Announcing the NDAA
Guess the sneak passing of NDAA on the eve of 2012, is not going over so well now in 2012
2012-01-05 18:11:421,827
B^O106.New Obama Poster Celebrating the Passing of the NDAA
Celebrating the Passing of the NDAA...
2012-01-02 14:18:151,308
B^O107.Welcome to 2012 - Obama Style
Rachel Maddow - breaks it all down for us. A legal regime outside of the law and courts - Obama criticizes the Bush Administration for the very thing he has just created in a different fashion. America we have been scammed again!
2012-01-01 15:57:121,482
B^O108.Obama says US Constituiton is flawed! Signs NDAA into law
This is a very, very sad day in the history of the USA.
2011-12-22 02:33:481,792
B^O109.Continuing the David Wilcock Saga - Truth Aboult Gold and The Future
You have got to listen to this program.
2011-12-16 13:56:221,627
B^O110.Fake Bonds, David Wilcock threatened, Ben Fulford detained
This is a really intellectual issue and it is quite stunning as to how deep this goes. So get your cup of coffee, put your feet up and start reading. Easy way to get this is to do a File>Print>PDF. Then save this document and print it. It's gonna be a long night of awakenings....
2011-12-15 19:07:471,324
B^O111.Sustainibility proponents threat to Humanity
There are things in place created by "unsane groups," that appear to be altogether "unhumane." E. Coli infected with the Black Plague. Japan targeted with March 2011 earthquake, to prevent alliance with Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Do not watch the video if you "can't handle the truth!"
2011-06-12 15:55:041,645
B^O112.The Zombies are Coming, The Zombies are Coming!
If Judgement day May 21, 2011 is a bust - the CDC is preparing for Zombies...
2011-05-19 14:21:371,995
B^O113.The New Currency - The Amero
Who voted for this? Where is Congress on this matter? "The note is a complete fraud. In the United States – The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, … coin Money, regulate the Value thereof. The Federal Reserve bankers’ NAU Note unlawfully eliminates the US Congress power to coin the US money. It is a fraud because it eliminates the vote of the US citizens, the Canadian citizens and Mexican citizens. Its claim of legal tender is based entirely on the Federal Reserve created free trade agreement..."
2011-04-30 18:10:056,475
B^O114.US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence
US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence of US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare. I really struggled with this one. If you don't know what is really going on, you can't do anything about it. In my book "omission" is the same as lying. This is hard to look at, because it reflects back to us our own dark side manifesting destruction on the innocent. Hey, we are all children of God and we should all be treated as such, no matter who you think your God is! TCoF
2011-04-30 14:52:381,893
B^O115.The Terminators are Coming! The Terminators are Coming!
I'm kinda thinking it won't be too long before Cyberdyne, SkyNet, and those baddies are just not too far off!
2011-04-23 13:22:471,480
B^O116.Your I-Phone is secretely tracking you for the police
...and Michigan police are extracting phone data from ANY cell phone remotely without probable cause. Police have an "extractor" to get your photos, emails, messages, phone numbers, etc, without "probable cause." I'll bet you did not know this was an app in your service contract?
2011-04-22 16:37:151,978
B^O117.UFOs in the UK: Britain's Actual 'X-Files' Released
For the next month these X-Files are freely available at: http://ufos.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
2011-03-05 13:36:512,099
B^O118.CPR for Yourself!!!
Cough every 2 seconds till help arrives...read the details>>>
2011-02-06 14:14:372,044
B^O119.Do Not Allow Your Pets to Eat: Corn, Wheat or Soy - It's Deadly!
"These three grains are killers. Corn, Wheat and Soy are toxic to cats and dogs."
2010-10-31 16:11:403,174
B^O120.Malicious Computer Virus disguised as "pdf" or "wmv"
Verified by Snopes from September 2010: "Here you have" or "Just for you" in the Subject Line...The files attached to the e-mails are dangerous because they appear to be a PDF or Windows Media (WMV) files but are actually disguised files known as Trojans. When it is run, the virus installs itself on your computer.
2010-10-12 10:53:192,114
B^O121.Beware of New Clothes, Towels, Underwear, etc, Bed Bug Infestation
Bed Bugs have invaded...
2010-10-11 12:30:382,132
B^O122.Your vehicle may be GPS'd without your permission by police
In August 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, California, headed by Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who dissented, ruled that home driveways are still public to mailmen, delivery people, children and strangers and thus, the police have a right, without violating the Fourth Amendment, to secretly place GPS devices on cars in driveways and track those cars - without a warrant.
2010-09-15 20:30:441,747
B^O123.First Amendment Speech Suspended - Conspiracy by our government and BP- you decide
The promised transparency on the current conditions in the Gulf - has been revoked!
2010-07-04 04:12:001,567
ALERT! CRITICAL INFO: Verified by Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/bottlebomb.asp DO NOT PICK UP PLASTIC BOTTLE TRASH IN YOUR YARD - IT'S A CHEMICAL BOMB - CAN CAUSE 2ND AND 3RD DEGREE BURNS, AND CAN BLOW OFF FINGERS AND SKIN! This is a dangerous new prank!
2010-06-10 00:37:271,894
B^O125.And while we're healing water...
Let's deal with that PB Gulf oil matter. What a great metaphor. Our dependence on oil is killing us.
2010-05-17 16:25:401,948
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